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Farm to Table, or Seed to Skin?

We all know the importance of nourishing your body inside and out. Eating a well-balanced diet bursting with whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables as well as tried-and-tested herbs and spices is not only vital to keep your body strong and healthy, but also to ensure clear and beautiful skin that ages well.

Little wonder then that the ingredients listed on excellent skincare products would include stuff you might have had on your plate! Imagine eating spinach for its anti-ageing power – who knew?

Also used in the ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION Renewing and Firming Solutions, here are 5 superfoods you can find in supermarkets. Why not eat these foods to improve your skin’s health inside and out?

1. Oats

Whether you prefer the rolled or steel-cut version, oats give you an antioxidant boost and promote a healthy gut. Oats are famously known to lower bad cholesterol and can also help relieve skin irritation. Cook them in hot milk or sprinkle them on top of yoghurt and fresh fruit for a delicious meal.


2. Spinach

This leafy green vegetable is rich in Vitamins A, C and K, all of which are especially good for the skin. Spinach is also a good source of manganese and folate. Quick to cook and ever so versatile, you can enjoy it raw, boiled in soup, stir fried or blended in a nutritious smoothie.


3. Turmeric

A staple of traditional healing as well as Asian cooking, turmeric is much loved for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, it remains a popular choice for numerous skin ailments. Its ability to help fight free radicals and inflammation also keeps the body healthy.


4. Tea Olive Flower

Also known as osmanthus, tea olive flowers are intensely fragrant. In China, both green tea and black tea are commonly infused with tea olive flowers. Rich in antioxidants, they are also found in soups, dumplings and desserts. Consider a cup of relaxing osmanthus tea for your next self-care session.

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5. Rosemary

More than just an invigorating tea to revive the mind and body or a tasty little addition to roast lamb or chicken, this common herb is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Fresh, dried or powdered, it is also a great source of iron, calcium and Vitamin B6.


Remember to feed your body and your face separately.

Unable to eat all these foods every day? We hear you. Apart from cost, it can get tiring to eat the same foods over and over again on a daily basis.

But guess what? You don’t have to – that’s exactly what great skincare is for!

ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION is backed by Nutrilite’s traceability promise, which means it uses organic ingredients extracted with the greatest of care. Rest assured these phytonutrients are pure, safe and effective as well as vegan.

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Formulated without harmful mineral oils, parabens, phthalates and sulfate-based surfactants, be sure to use the ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION solutions morning and night to ensure that your skin receives all these benefits and more.

Keep your skin healthy with ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION. Shop the range at Amway.my